
Does Teen Depression Therapy Really Help?

TEEN SUICIDE IS ON THE RISE Colorado Springs has seen an alarming number of teen suicides in 2017. It is a terrible tragedy for even one young person to end their life.   As a parent of an adolescent, it is devastating and terrifying to consider the frequency with which this is happening in Colorado Springs and across the nation. Appropriately so, there has been an increase in suicide prevention education sponsered by our schools, which has opened up a wonderful dialogue about mental health concerns and preventative treatment. Therapy for anxiety gives you an opportunity to examine your worry in a way that helps you feel normal about it. You tell your therapist what you’re upset about. Depression Therapy Colorado Springs helps you to get rid of addiction and teaches you methods for feeling more in control of your feelings and your life. This spring, the hit Netflix show 13 Reasons Why, a fictional show about a high school sophomore who commits suicide, stirred up some emot